“We can’t solve problems by using the same level of thinking we used when we created them.”

– Albert Einstein

Who we are

We are skilful, independent Solutionists and Dispute Resolvers, based in Melbourne, Australia.

What we do

We provide practical, efficient, cost-effective solutions for most disputes and conflicts – from private individuals and families, to major corporations.

How we work

We defuse and resolve most conflicts by methodical de-construction, rationalisation, and practical problem-solving. This produces constructive solutions, or fair determinations.

Our Philosophy: Solutionism

Every disagreement, dispute, or conflict is a problem to be solved, rather than a battle to be fought. When parties are genuine, solutions can always be found, or made.

Experience and Skills

We’ve spent over 3 decades resolving all manner of disputes, especially gnarly ones.

Hand putting last piece of puzzle with the word solution to fix the problem

Why use us?

Experience, skill, and a dispute resolution process that’s uniquely fit for purpose (SODR).

We’re fair and practical, empathic, constructive, and very cost-effective. Everything we do is values-driven, and client-focused.

We aim for “No Surprises”. Our process is transparent, from start to end.

Personal Profile

Jon Kenfield

Solutionist and Dispute Resolver
Arbitrator, Mediator, and Facilitator
Strategist and Family Business Adviser

Qualifications and Work Experience

I’m a Master Solutionist; Chartered Accountant (retired); Grade 1 Arbitrator; Advanced Mediator; Expert Facilitator; Agile Adviser, Certified Chair (Advisory Boards), and Family Business Adviser

I have an honours degree in law, and have been a chartered accountant for over 40 years. I’ve been a principal/director (forensic specialist) in two of the “Big 4” firms. From a past life I’m also a qualified teacher, scuba diving instructor, and oil rig diver.

I’ve always been passionate about problem-solving and focus on “getting it done”, rather than on the niceties of “how it’s usually done”. My goal is to produce best possible results, for everyone involved in a dispute.

Diving with son Mark, at Heron Island

Interests and Pastimes

I love books, writing, films, and teaching.

My passions (outside work and family) are underwater and wildlife photography, fly fishing, 4WD camping, and travel.

My first book: “The Solutionist Guide to Family Business”, is the definitive “how to” Australian text for achieving peace and prosperity in a business family.

My current book in progress is titled: “Family Business” … makes no sense! It describes 50 common causes of conflict in family business … and how to deal with them.


Code of Ethics and Professional Practice

We commit to:

  • Approach every engagement with an open mind and a commitment to produce best possible outcomes for all participants.
  • Provide the best and most appropriate advice we can conceive, regardless of our own interests.
  • Work collaboratively with other trustworthy advisers.
  • Maintain client confidentiality.
  • Disclose any conflicts of interest as soon as they become apparent.
  • Behave with honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, and reliability in all our dealings.
  • Provide maximum transparency throughout every engagement.
  • Accept responsibility for our performance, and accountability for our results.
  • Keep learning – through study, collaboration, reflection, and the generous sharing of ideas, knowledge, and experience with other dispute resolvers and advisers.

Privacy Policy

We respect and protect the privacy of our visitors, subscribers and users and will not disclose any information that identifies you individually to any third party, unless we have your written permission to do so.

We may ask you for personal information, including your name and email address, when you request services from us (eg: downloads of materials, receipt of newsletter etc). We use this information to help ensure that the right things go to the right people, and to help us work out what you want, so we can continuously improve our services.

If you change your mind or details at some future stage we’ll correct, update, or delete your personal data, on request.

Links to Other Sites

Please be aware that when you are on our site (or any other), you may be directed to other sites, through devious internet processes that are entirely beyond our control and understanding. Please be vigilant at all times.


If you have any comments or suggestions that could help us improve our website, please don’t be shy, email us at: info@disputesolutions.com.au.

Inevitable Disclaimer

The views, tools, information, and other items contained in this website are provided for information purposes only. They do not purport to be, nor should they be relied upon in place of, competent professional advice. We do our best to keep everything up to date, relevant and accurate, but make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability of anything contained in this website in connection with any form of use or purpose whatsoever.

Any reliance you do place on anything you find in, or construe from this website is therefore done entirely at your own risk and it is a fundamental condition of your use of our website that under no circumstances whatsoever will you, or any person or entity associated with you, seek to hold us liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of, or in connection with, any use whatsoever of this website.

Nothing on this website should be taken as a recommendation or endorsement of any goods, services, or views – other than anything directly relating to our own stuff.