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Dispute Resolution

Your Dispute


Every dispute is unique, so an institutional approach probably won’t make you happy.  Custom processes give better results, especially when sensitive/important issues need to be resolved, rather than “just” settled.


Select a process that suits your needs, or call us for free advice.  Most disputes can be resolved more quickly, with less pain and for less cost than you’d expect - provided you select the right process. 

conflict resolution, adr, rapid dispute solutions, dispute resolution, family business conflict, family business mediation, family business mediator, commercial disputes, family business succession, mediation, mediation services, conflict management, 007
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Process Choices


Your needs, objectives, and required outcomes should have a major influence on process design and cost.  That’s why we offer a full range of customisable dispute solution processes - from informal Facilitation and Mediation, through to Judicial-style Arbitration.   

Needs >

Process Choices

conflict resolution, adr, rapid dispute solutions, dispute resolution, family business conflict, family business mediation, family business mediator, commercial disputes, family business succession, mediation, mediation services, conflict management, 008

Process Styles


Assist (FacilitateMediate and SODR)


Informal, flexible processes to help parties solve their own problems and create their own solutions.  Read more


Inform (Appraise and Evaluate)


Independent, objective reports on technical or legal issues to support discussions, negotiations, mediations and litigation.  Read more


Decide (Practical Decisions: SODR and Independent Decision Makers)


Informal, practical, independent, objective decisions, by expert dispute resolvers, on almost any issue. Read more


Determine (SODR, Expert and Legal Determinations)


Phase #2 of the SODR process:  the Facilitator makes a binding Determination if the parties can’t negotiate their own solution.

OR:  Private appointment, by contract, of an independent and objective individual to make legally binding determinations on any issue. 


Expert Determiners deal with technical commercial disputes, such as business valuations; Legal Determiners deal with legal issues, such as legal precedents and legislative interpretations. Read more


Arbitrate (Expert and Judicial Arbitrations)


Private appointment of an expert, lawyer or retired judge, to make a legally binding determination on any dispute referred by the parties.  Arbitration is like having your own private judge.  You can even use court facilities for enforcement!     Read more.  

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Formality to Cost Equation

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conflict resolution, adr, rapid dispute solutions, dispute resolution, family business conflict, family business mediation, family business mediator, commercial disputes, family business succession, mediation, mediation services, conflict management, 009

All processes are tailored to the parties and their problems, meaning no more or less formality, time, effort, pain and cost than is realistically required. â€‹

Process Features


The following table provides a quick summary of dispute solution features.  We’re just a call away as soon as you’re ready to talk: 

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